Don't know what brought me here, but i am back in hospital with aspiration pneumonia, once again.....argggggggggggggggh i have no time to be sick, i have life to live and people to see.
Thank you so much to Rodger my Carer for acting quickly in getting me transported by ambulance, and Linda acting house manager for being so pro active on my behalf....
My mum and dad seeing to me in my time of need, and a big Thank you to my careers that came and looked after my care needs and hung with me during my hospital stay over, your care is much appreciated. And a huge thank you to Nan and pop for coming back from their travels in their caravan, they came home weeks early, just to make sure i was A okay!

I do have to say that the hospital accommodation at the New Royal Adelaide Hospital is ultra cool. Much better than the old style hospital.
They gave me the biggest bathroom on the could live in it
