I have the best house manager, she really gets me, her name is Linda ....she helps get me through my day, she always is ever so helpful.
So i like to track her down every morning to try and get my messages across so she can help me with my day.
I don't always visit on my own, sometimes i take a freind today is henny penny, can you see her in the photograph?
We have 2 chickens, 2 rabbits, 1 cat and some birds that live at my community residence.
Chicken Council Regulations
You are allowed to keep chickens in a residential area, but check your local council’s website for restrictions. Common requirements are:
Coops at least one metre from boundaries and 10m from buildings and streets
Control of vermin such as rats and mice
Low odour and insects, best achieved by keeping litter clean and dry
Dead birds disposed of appropriately
Secure food storage
No roosters and limited numbers of hens (typically 6)
Also bear in mind that coops above a certain size (typically 10-15m2) will need planning approval.
