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My Achievements

About Me


I have never been able to walk since birth, I spent most of my younger years, walking in an upright walker, I loved the freedom of the walker. Unfortunately over the years my hips have dislocated and it is awkward and painful for me to weight bear:  however i  try and give it a go every now and then, for very short periods of time.  

Learning to work with what i have

Getting on and off the lounge, In my younger years, i very quickly learn't, you cant keep me there. Family used to put a bean bag at the base of the lounge, (just in case i had spasticity and threw myself off the lounge), I soon learn't how to work with what i had, very limited but i used to wiggle myself onto the bean bag and make my way safely onto the carpeted floor. I always loved the freedom of rolling around freely, as difficult as it was. 

My School Days

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I commenced school early, i loved every minute of school.

  • The teachers, were commitment to high quality and effective teaching and learning for all students.

  • Careers, and qualified support staff made sure that all our needs were seen to.

  • All of us, as students were engaged in stimulating and exciting learning activities.

  • The allied health professionals made it possible for any student with a physical disability, like myself, to access equipment, assisted mobility and assisted technology.

  • I made some fantastic friends along the way, these days a group of us still catch up on a regular basis, i always look forward to seeing my ol school buddies. Others are not here with us anymore, I hold them close to my heart.

I want my teachers, carers, supporters and therapists to know 
Don't Under estimate How Valuable You Have Been In Shaping My Life
Your Best Gift was your education, guidance, support, acceptance and care,
with the Gift of Time

Graduated from School Year 2010


Adventure and Recreational Achievements

Increasing a person’s independence and ability to function through participation in creative arts, dance, sports, and adventure programs 

Recreational therapy “aims to improve an individual’s functioning and keep them as active, healthy and independent as possible in their chosen life pursuits.”  In most cases, these goals are accomplished by combining a person’s speech, fine motor or gross motor goals with community involvement, while engaging in the person’s preferred interests.

Recreation is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time.[1] The "need to do something for recreation" is an essential element of human biology and psychology.[2] Recreational activities are often done for enjoymentamusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun".


Sailing is a fun, safe, accessible and affordable sport that welcomes participation from people of all backgrounds, ages and abilities. There are many different ways to get started in sailing through Discover Sailing and a range of opportunities for you to continue sailing at clubs as you develop your skills, experience and confidence.

Helicopter Joy Flights

A Helicopter Scenic Flight gives you a new perspective and is a unique sight-seeing experience. There is no better way to see a city's icons or the beauty of a natural landscape. From the comfort of a helicopter, panoramic views are yours to savour.

Movie World: Wild West Falls Adventure Ride

Ye ha! Hold onto your hat! This is one of the scariest rides in the county! 
You'll travel past Indian reservations, ghost towns, geysers and wagon trains to put you right in the middle of a western movie set.
Wild West Falls Adventure Ride is all thrills, spills and water action. Definitely a ride for cowboys not cowards! 

Check out Movie World tickets and find other water rides at the official Theme Parks website.

Movie World: Road Runner Rollercoaster 

If running down the road is your idea of having fun, you’ll just love the Roadrunner Rollercoaster. 
It’s a fast, safe and fun chase through the Arizona Desert – a blast for the whole family.
Will you and WILE E. COYOTE finally catch the ROAD RUNNER?

Grab your Movie World Tickets online now to start the fun!

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Specialised Disability Accommodation

In the year 2007.....I had the opportunity to move out of the family home, into specialised disability accomodation. 

Specialised disability accommodation offers supported accommodation for adults and young people living with disability, in a fun and inclusive community setting. The focus is to provide a genuine home environment and real life experiences.


Staff work closely with each individual to develop a Life Style Plan covering needs, goals and desires. The support team provides the tools, resources and referrals, which enable the residents to achieve everything possible.


Sporting Achievements

Sporting Achievements

Ten Pin Bowling 



© 2019 by Matthew Ogden

I would like to thank everyone in the crew for your support and time, helping me to design, type, and load updates to my website.

Thank you for getting behind my mission. 

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