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In Memory of my Peeps

When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure

True friends are the ones who never leave your heart, even if they leave your life for a while.

Even after years apart, you pick up with them right where you left off, and even if they die they're never forgotten in your heart.

When we meet someone, who shares our joys

Who knows when we are up or down

Who shows they care in so many ways

And never lets us down

That is whom we can call our friends

Friends are a gift from god

They bring us joy and happiness

And help us in times of need

That's why I can truly say

How glad I am I had this friend


Facebook June 4, 2014  · 

Shared with Your friends

Friends we have lost a very dear friend, Ashleigh. He will be in my thoughts always, he was one of my dearest friends and we enjoyed each other's company. It was a joy to Know him.

Mum (Jody) is helping me write this message on behalf of Jill (Ashleigh's mum and Eve sister). Please pass on this message to all those that you know that were friends of Ashleigh's.

Funeral will be next Thursday 12th June, 2014 at 2pm, location to be advised.

Thinking of you Ash......doing the chicken dance in my head. Your mate forever Matthew xoxoxox

  • Jody Morrish

    Its time like this, i wish i had the ability to turn back time............thank you ash for spending time with me yesterday, i will always cherish it

    Lesley Morrish

  • Forever loved Ash. Fly with the Angels and all your beautiful friends up there. Dad was waiting for you and has you under his wing again. RIP Darling. Xxxxxxxxx Pop Morrish has beautiful memories that will remain in his heart forever. Xxxxxx

  • Janel Smith

    Beautiful Ash, I loved your spirit and your smile lite up my day, I remember the chicken dance as well Matt

  • Max Schultz

  • Sorry to hear about Ashleigh.​

  • Dino Colonna

    So sad

Ashleigh Whittaker

In Memory of my Animals


It is with deep personal regret that we inform you of Therapy Dog, Cody’s death. Monday 19th November. Each of us not only grieves at the passing of a tremendous, Magical Furry individual but also for the loss his family, patients, clients and the community suffers.

Prior to his death, Jody (Codys Handler) expressed her desire to have contributions made to the Therapeutic Dog Services Inc in lieu of flowers. Your kind contributions help benefit our Therapuetic Dogs to continue supplying services in Honor of Cody (Following in his Paw prints)

You can find this on our website

Correspondence can be made via Therapeutic Dog Services Incorporation, 

© 2019 by Matthew Ogden

I would like to thank everyone in the crew for your support and time, helping me to design, type, and load updates to my website.

Thank you for getting behind my mission. 

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